Importance of The Arts Education prepares your child for success!

What are the Arts? 

The Arts involve sharing and communicating our ideas through the various forms of Visual Art, Media, Music, Drama and Dance. Whether it involves using our bodies, voices, movements and sound to enhance how meaning is made or carried (Pascoe, 2012).  

Arts Education can benefit students by:

Aiding the development of expression skills with creativity.

Creating and fostering the students’ understanding and respect of cultural and individual differences.

Providing a space for students to express themselves through the five art forms and through all forms of language.

Developing teamwork and collaboration skills.

Stimulating and encouraging the use of imagination and critical thinking.

Developing a sense of craftsmanship, quality of work and the importance of goal setting.

Our View on The Arts: 

Arts education is important as it allows children to develop many life skills that go beyond art itself.  The arts will be taught in a meaningful way so when your child is learning art there is always a purpose behind it. Arts will be integrated into cross-curricular, so your child can connect their prior knowledge of subject areas so their learning experiences will be enhanced. 

It is going to be a strong part of our teaching methods to always link to The Australian Curriculum. This will be the best way for your children to get the most out of their learning they possibly can. The Australian Curriculum has been set up so we will specifically know where your child is at, how to help your child reach the best possible learning outcome that they can. 

Overal,l Arts education will be taught in a fun, meaningful and engaging way where your children can apply their real life experiences to the Arts.  

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